Jan 22-26 will announce asap
Category: Information
NationsCup 2022 Team China Coaches and Committees
Team China Committee Group
Philip Tong
Sammy Ho
Karl So
Vincent Lau
Stephen Leung
Thomas Sin
Techincal Director: Stanley Chan
Coaches and managers
Men Open
Coach : Felix Xu
Goalie Coach /Assist coach Barson Tin
Assist Coach : Boris Si
Manager Parvel Yim
Men Over 30
Coach: Albert Leung
Manager: Felix Chiu, Sunny Wu
Men Over 38
Coach: Mark Wu
Manager: Henry Xie
Men Over 45
Coach: Gilbert Kan
Manager: Patrick Chan
Men Over 52
Coach: Vincent Lau
Manager: Thomas Sin
Women Open
Coach: Mandhir Punia
Manager: Grey Ng, Pardeep Punia,
Yen Fong
Boy U18
Coach : Paul Sidhu
Assist Coach : John Castanos
Manager: Ming Cai
Girl U18
Coach: Mandhir Punia
Assist Coach : Grey Ng
Manager: Pardeep Punia
To All Teams Manager,
Finally, the BCCSF is extremely pleased with Public Health Order updates and we are fully committed to the Restart Plan. City of Richmond will release turf field to public recreation using purpose in as short as 2 weeks. BCCSF has come up a decision and would like to share to all the clubs and divisions.
We will continue the winter league scheduled games until end of August, however, no league points and standing will be counted. We take it as a summer fun league!
There are many reasons behind our decision. After a long period of pandemic lockdown, most of the players are out of fitness, a high competitive game will easily make us injury. Secondly, the COVID-19 situation is still unstable, there could be another lockdown once the numbers gone worse. Last but not least, we would like to start take this easy slowly get our sport back on track for September Winter league 2021-22.
We need every team manager to contact your team players. Please get back to us if your team want to participate the summer fun league, or totally withdraw from the season. Please let us know by Saturday midnight May 29. If any team decide to withdraw, a refund will be issued after deduced necessary expense and admin fee.
Summer fun league.
- Continue winter division and schedule until end of August
- No league points counted and no trophy
- Referee is optional, we can arrange if teams would like to share
- Starting on June 14 (assume city of Richmond would confirm our field by next week) first 2 weeks will be team self-practice and training, or friendly.
- League game starts on week of July 5.
While this step in the Return to Play process is a positive one, the BCCSF priority is still the health and safety of all our players and their families. Therefore, all team will continue to follow our existing safety protocols which include:
1. No spectators invited
2. Masks for all coaches, staff and players when at check-in or line up outside the gate
3. Hand and equipment sanitation
4. Covid Screening form for all individuals on the field
5. Social distancing when and where appropriate
BCCSF appreciate your team’s contribution and would like to work thing out together. Please let us know by Saturday midnight, thanks!
- 然續冬季的餘下賽事至八月底為止。
- 所有賽事將不會計算積分及排名,亦沒有奬杯。
- 球證不是必須的,但如果球隊想要,足總會安排,球證費則需由兩隊分擔。
- 由六月十四日開始的三個禮拜,會用作友賽及熱身。
- 正式賽事由七月五日開始。
1: 不邀請觀眾
2: 所有人事在球場外必須佩帶口罩
2: 手及球和工具必須消毒
4: 填寫covid 申報表
5: 務必注意社交距離
Great News for youth Summer camp
As government related to COVID-19 are being slowly lifted, BCCSF will work as a partnership with RUSC ( Richmond United Soccer Club _ website: www.richmondunitedsoccer.ca ) & FUSION and offers Summer Camp 2020 starting from Jul 06 – Aug 14 for those boys and girls born 2016-2003.
The camps will be conducted to ensure sessions are physically active and conducted in a safe fun environment under the guidelines of BC Soccer.
Registration for Summer Camp is now open ! We have :
Junior Camp _ Jul06-10, Jul13-17, Jul20-24, Aug10-24
5 Sessions
Senior Camp _ Jul06-10, Jul13-17, Jul20-24, Aug10-24
5 Sessions
Mini-Micro Camp _ Jul13-17, Jul20-24, Aug10-24
5 Sessions
EVENING Training Camp on Tuesday & Thursday :
6 Sessions
EVENING Training Camp on Monday & Wednesday :
6 Sessions
EVENING Training Camp on Tuesday & Thursday :
6 Sessions
We also offer Goalkeeper Training and …..more, please refer to the attachment ( 2020 Summer Camps Schedule )
How’s to registration :
( www.bccsf.info ) and fill it complete and drop off to Soccer Link ( 114-4940, No.3 Road, Richmond, BC V6X 3A5 )
- Please make the cheque payable to “ Richmond Girls Soccer Association “
- 2020 Summer Camps Schedule for your reference
Any further questions, you can call Danny at 604.7851068 or Thomas at 604.2182031 or Frankie at 604.3776337
Hoping to see all our boys and girls on the pitch soon.
Danny and Thomas and Frankie
On behalf of BCCSF
No handshakes, fist bumps and high five…

Because of the Covid 19 virus that is spreading, we will suspend handshakes, fist bumps and High five before and after the game between teams and referees. Stay safe and be careful everyone!
Over 55 – 7-Aside division is now open for summer 2020
- Must be age of 55 or older
- Monday or Tuesday 9-11PM (depends on field availability)
- Apr – Aug (5 months 20 games)
- No offside
- Max register 12 players per team
Fee: $700 for a team + Referee fee
Registration Starts now
Registration Ends March 15, 2020
Administrator Email Address: [email protected]
League Manager: Stephen Leung (604) 603-9522
Introducing new 35s Division in coming season 2019
- New Division for 35 year old and up
- Registration Fee $950
- Season starts on April 2019 til August. (12 games)
- Matches will be scheduled on weekdays evening 9-11pm
- Online Player Card system
- No restriction on non-Asian players
- Everyone welcome !
Lunar Chinese New Year Cup 2019
Lunar Chinese New Year Cup 2019 – for 40+ Division
Lunar Chinese New Year Cup 2019 – for 50+ Division