Day: 14 December 2021


Unicorn FC 40 vs Team Rice @ Minoru Oval

Unicorn 40 –  1  vs  Team Rice 40  –  1

Team Rice 40

Goal keepers – William Yu Pei Wei

Goal Scorer’s

#26 Issa Traore


Cautions/ Ejections

#26 Issa Traore – RED, Serious Foul Play, on a 50/50 challenge with the G/K, Issa in a full sprint (about 20yds) trying to get to the ball before the keeper but ends up in a serious collision taking out the keeper and himself. He had enough time to turn away and avoid this situation. I don’t think he intended to hit him but did and hard.

For me this is a borderline “RED CARD”.

Karl if you need more info please call me

#15 Qiao Tian Yang, YELLOW, USB, Reckless challenge, tripping his opponent as he gets beaten to the ball


Unicorn 40

Goal keepers – N/A

Goal Scorer’s




Good match, chances at both ends. Even with 10 players Team Rice controlled the second half and were unlucky not to score 4 goals.


**Official Team list provided by Team Rice .

**Unicorn forgot to get one to me, so no info provided

**Linesmen provided by both teams


