Day: 19 July 2022

Team Rice vs Pacific Dragon 40 @ Minoru2

Pacific Dragons 40 – 1 vs Team Rice0 – 3

Pacific Dragons 40

Goal keepers – Nathaniel Olsson

Goal Scorer’s

#11 Philip Chi Hang Leung

Cautions/ Ejections

Team Rice 40

Goal keepers –

Goal Scorer’s

#27 Issa Traore

#27 Issa Traore

#27 Issa Traore

Cautions/ Ejections

#4 Danny So, Yellow, USB, Delays restart of play by kicking the ball off the field.

#13 Zackary Ting, RED, Serious Foul Play, In a situation with opposing player where the other player grabs Zack, Zack throws an elbow into the cheekbone of the player.

#9 Ping Hei Chung, Yellow, USB, Reckless tackle coming into the back of opposing layer


Good match, Team Rice came to play, Dragons didn’t look like a first place team

**Official Team list provided by both teams.

** No linesmen

Regards, Harry
