Day: 1 November 2022


Pacific Dragon 40 vs Unicorn FC 40 @ Minoru Oval

Both teams provided lists and linesmen
          Andy Fung Chan      KEEPER   Felix Chui   1st  half    Jacky Liu  2nd half
#16  Paul Yip Ku   4m
#7  Seth MacInnces  20m
#29 edgar Jimenez    39m
   #11   Philip Leung   Y- Persistant Fouls
   #6  Anthony Cheung   Y-Reckless tackle
PAC D40   3                           V                   UNICORN 40    0

Automind 40 vs Team Rice @ Richmond High

Here is the Game Report Of:
Date    :  Nov., 01, 2022.  ( 9PM )
Field    :  Richmond High
Team   :   Automind 40     Vs     Team Rice 40
Result  :        ( 0  )             ~            (  4  )
Remarks  :  Attach Team Lists and Report.
Referee : Tony Tai