Day: 8 December 2022

Wildcats 50 vs Warriors @ Minoru Oval

This game was forfeited by the Warriors due to not enough players
We played a friendly so everyone could get a run
I gather that the other team (Wildcats)gets a 3-0 win and the 3 points in the standings?
Cheers Kirby

Sent from my iPhone


Pacific Dragon 50 vs LeeMan @ Minoru 2

Lee Man 50 – 4 vs Pacific Dragons 50 – 1


Lee Man 50

Goal keepers – Peter Wai Kit Cheung

Goal Scorer’s

 #17 Jon Lee

#12 Kan King Che

#12 Kan King Che

#07 Vincent Cheung


Cautions/ Ejections



Pacific Dragons 50

Goal keepers – Nathaniel Olsson

Goal Scorer’s

# 30 Edmund Chan


Cautions/ Ejections



Good game, not much more happened


**Official Team list provided by both teams.

**NO Linesman provided by Lee Man


Regards, Harry
