Day: 6 January 2023

Home Park 50 vs Pacific Dragon 50 @ Richmond High

Home Park 50’s 4
Goal Scorers: # 25 (not listed on the team list) 25 minutes
#10 Xu, Yan 19 & 43 minutes
#35 (not listed on the team list) 32 minutes
# 20 Chen Zhao Michael Yellow card Unsporting Conduct, took hold of an opponent who beat him to the ball.
Pacific Dragon 50’s 2
Goal Scorers:
#25 David Kwok Wai Tang 16 minutes
#36 Daniel Hofer 75 minutes
Karl and Stephen
You’ll notice I’ve entered the numbers of the two unlisted goal scorers at the bottom of the Home Park team list. As you can see, they were not listed. When I arrived at the park, and spoke to the Home Park gentleman who handed me the team list, and a few minutes later he asked for the one he gave me, and hand me the list you’ll receive. He said it was a more current list, and he had several team lists in his hand at the time. At half time, the gentleman who was with Pacific Dragons asked me to get ID from #35 because he looked like a player who’s been suspended. The player in question gave me his BC Drivers Licene (I think it was the licence, but it had a picture. The lighting wasn’t very good, but the man from Pacific Dragons looked at the picture and couldn’t tell if it was the same person’s picture he had on his phone.  I thought you should know this information relating to the team list omissions.
Don Taylor
