Day: 25 July 2023

Vancouver FC vs Unicorn FC 40 @ Minoru2

Hi Karl, Stephen


Vancouver Rangers 40 – 2   vs  Unicorn 40 – 4


Vancouver Rangers 40

Goal keepers – Gilbert Kan

Goal Scorer’s

 #15 Oliver

#15 Oliver


Cautions/ Ejections

# 20 Dinh, Yellow, USB, reckless tackle from the back

# 06 Cuong Anthony Pham, Yellow, USB, reckless studs challenge


Unicorn 40

Goal keepers – Glen Scott

Goal Scorer’s

# 14 Caesar Chow

# 29 Paul Scully

# 08 Jason Chow

# 22 Kwok Lun Wong

Cautions/ Ejections

# 22  Kwok Lun Wong, Yellow, USB, Sliding tackle


Good game, Vancouver played with 10 all game.

I believe that Vancouver had 3 non registered players, Oliver, Alaa Albaker, and another middle eastern player. THey made a big difference to keep it close.


**Official Team list provided by both teams.

**NO Linesman provided by Rangers

Regards, Harry
