Day: 18 August 2023


Wildcats 50 vs Automind 50 @ Richmond High

This was a friendly game ended tied     1  v  1
Wildcats played an underage player
NO Cards     Both teams provided team lists
Wildcats started with 10.   Wildcats    no,linesman
they asked me to check his age at half time.   It was confirmed then that Jay was underage.

So Automind wins by default and game continued as a friendly

Warriors vs Pacific Dragon 50 @ Minoru2

Pac D 50 – 4  vs  Warriors 50 – 0


Pac D 50

Goal keepers – Philip King Cheung Lam

Goal Scorer’s

 # 06 Paul Bao Wen Guo

# 30 Edmund Chan

# 08 Anthony Mak

# 27 Antony Ma


Cautions/ Ejections



Warriors 50

Goal keepers – Richard Yang

Goal Scorer’s


Cautions/ Ejections

GK, Yellow, USB, Reckless tackle, not DOGSO



Good game


**Official Team list provided by both teams.

**NO Linesman provided


Regards, Harry
