Day: 24 November 2023


Golden Tea 50 vs Automind 50 @ Richmond High

Golden Tea 2
Automind 3
Goal Scorers
Golden Tea – Da Bin (Ben) Shang, Edward Mei Fun Chan
Automind – Kevin Yong Jian Gong, Dayong Zhu, Tian Fang Ren
At halftime, the score was 2-1 for Golden Tea, the Automind coach came up to tell me that 2 players who were playing for Golden Tea were not on the team list and he knew that they played for another team.
I asked if he was protesting the game based on that and he said Yes.
I informed the Golden Tea coach who acknowledged that they played for another team.
I let them know that I would fill it out on the report.

SW Legend vs Wildcats 50 @ Minoru3

Here is the game report of :
Date    :    Nov 24,2023.
Field    :    Minoru #3
Team   :    SW Legend Rangers 50  Vs  Wild Cats 50
Result  :                (  1  )                    ~         (  0  )
Remarks  : SW Legend Rangers 50 (HOME)
                   Score : #42(John LI) 1 score at 63 min.,
                    Yellow : #6(Wang Jinzheng) 1 Yellow at 42 min.,
                 :  Wild Cats 50 (AWAY)
                    Yellow : #32(Zhang Jing Michael) 1 Yellow at 46 min.,
                               : #2(Kent Deng Si Jian) 1 Yellow at 55 min.,
**Attach copy of Team lists**
**Both Team lists handed before game start**