Day: 9 January 2024

Lu Charcoal Grill vs Vancouver FC @ Minoru2

Hi Karl

Lu Charcoal Grill 40 – 3  vs  Vancouver FC 40 – 3

Lu Charcoal Grill 40


Goal keepers – Yi Yang

Goal Scorer’s


# 28 Yang Dazhi

# 10 Lei Li

# 11 Anthony Shun Kin Cheung

Cautions/ Ejections

# 24 Number not on list, Yellow, Reckless sliding tackle.

# 07 Wei Xu, RED, Violent Conduct, Confronted by the goalie from the opposing team whom i had given a red card to retaliates by throwing a punch at the GK Mohamad




Vancouver FC 40

Goal keepers – Mohammed Mousa Moradi

Goal Scorer’s


# 12 Juan Antonio Parra

# 12 Juan Antonio Parra

# 12 Juan Antonio Parra

Cautions/ Ejections


# GK, Mohammad Mousa Moradi, RED, Foul and Abusive Language, aimed directly at the referee. Relentless Mother fucker, fucking mother fucker, fuck this fuck that,. You name it he called me that, it went on and on. While he was walking away he started to trash talk the Grill players on the bench. Walked up to them and swore at them, spat into the face of the # 10 Lei Li. At that point the Grill players jumped him with the opposing #7 Wei Xu throwing a punch at Mohamad. I’m not sure but i gave him a second RED for fighting. Time of incident 71 minute mark.



Good match, Until the 69 minute mark. I abandoned the game about the 72 minute mark.


Karl the language hurled at me was truly the worst that I’ve experienced in all the years as a referee. It went on and on and on. I lost count as to how many “fuck” you’s etc. He kept it going by hurling abusive language at the opposing team. He deliberately went to the opposing bench to do so. The spitting into the face of someone is disgraceful for anyone to do. The Grill # 07 i gave the RED card to reacted to the punch that was thrown at him.


Karl you have my number call me if you need further assistance.



** No Linesmen

Regards, Harry 604-306-3655
