Day: 5 October 2021

1956 XiFeng&HomePark vs SR Sports @ Minoru2

1956 XiFeng 2 v SR Sport 1
Boris Guo KEEPER Yi Yang

#18 PK not on list #9 Jiang Fu
#10 Lei Liu

Xong Gang He Y-YSB Y-USB Wei Wu
Raymond Zhao Y-USB Y -USB Gao Bo
Tian Ren Y-delay of game Y-USB Zixi Li
2nd Y-excessive force RED

Both teams had lists. During the game neither team provided a AR on the south side of the field

Physical game by both teams


Unicorn FC 40 vs Team Rice @ Minoru Oval

Unicorn 40 – 1 vs Team Rice 40- 1

Unicorn 40

Goal keepers – Gary Chow & Jacky Liu

Goal Scorer’s

#13 Allan Wai Lun Yeung

Cautions/ Ejections

#8 Peter Man Hon Cheng – Yellow, Delays, Peter just kicks ball away from the Keeper.

Team Rice 40

Goal keepers – Kevin Wong Shek Chow

Goal Scorer’s

#12 Wing Sum Sammy Ngai

Cautions/ Ejections

#16 Daniel Chun Ching Chan – Red, Foul and abusive language at official, said to me “Fuck Ref”. His persistent complaining through most of the game that I was not calling fouls against him, they were good hard challenges. I guess more of a “frustrated” curse word.

A 1 game suspension is good for me.

Karl if you need more info please call me


Good match, chances at both ends. Solid defense at both ends.

**Official Team list provided by both teams.

**Linesmen provided by both teams

Regards, Harry Rahiman 604-306-3655
