Day: 22 October 2021

Automind 50 vs Vancouver Rangers @ Minoru 2

Automind 50 – 1 vs Vancouver Rangers 50 – 5


Goal keeper – Thomas Sin

Goal scorers

#11 Leslie Lee


Van Rangers

Goal keeper – Yanmin Gao Boris

Goal Scorers

#08 Jun Li Joe

#19 Kejian Song

#21 Yuli Zhang Alex

#12 Li Tian Stan

#12 Li Tian Stan


#21 Yuli Zhang Alex, Yellow, USB – Alex leads with his studs for a challenge

Good match close first half. both sides had equal amount of play lots of small fouls but nothing serious. Rangers controlled most of second half.

Linesmen, team list and jerseys perfect.



CanBee Honey vs Fire Kirin @ Richmond High

Kirin Fire challenged the age of #14 Yajun Zhang who was unable to provide any ID.

With 5 minutes left in the game, a collision occurred in the goal area, with the Kirin Fire goalie. Players from both teams started milling around and some yapping, pushing
and shoving began. This is when #33 was slapped in the face by player #5 from Canbee Honey who had to be restrained as he was led to the sideline.

There was still a lot of tension between players of both teams, which caused me to decide that it was impossible to restart the game safely, so I inform them that the game was over.
I managed to get them to return to their designated areas on the sidelines with no further incidents, other than the continual yapping.

As I was leaving, Kirn Fire decided to go over to Canbee Honey and in a gesture of good faith shake hands which was received well by Canbee Honey.


Kirin Fire: 3
#27(2) Jian Fang Hu
#10 Mohamed Alamin Hassen

CanBee Honey 2
#14(2) Yajun Zhang

Yellow Cards
Kirin Fire
#27 Jian Fang Hu
Late reckless tackle in retaliation for a foul that occurred shortly before.
#83 Olesksandr Smtchenko
Performed a late reckless tackle with studs up making contact with the opponent’s foot.
#33 Regan McEachnie
Unsportsmanlike conduct, kept on yapping at opponent after being warned to stop.

Canbee Honey
#19 Ming Liu
Recklessly charged goalie knocking him to the ground.

Red Cards
Canbee Honey
#5 Miles Zhen Yu Liu
Slapped #33 from Kirin Fire in the face. It should be noted that it was a slap rather than a punch and was in response to the yapping being done by #33.
