Day: 22 April 2022

Wildcats 50 vs Home Park Warriors @ Minoru2

Home Park 50 – 3 vs Wildcats 50 – 2

Home Park 50

Goal keepers – Richard Yang

Goal Scorer’s

#09 Will Gao
#10 Xu Yan
#GK Richard Yang

Cautions/ Ejections

# 10 Xu Yan Yellow, delays restart of game by kicking the ball out of the field.
#4 Ning Yu, Yellow, USB, Tripping opposing player with careless tackle

Wildcats 50

Goal keepers – Lam Chi Kin (Andy)

Goal Scorer’s

#25 Dong Wei Wang
#17 James Yon Gang He

Cautions/ Ejections


Good match, Home Park just the better team, Keeper scores winning goal on a corner kick.

Karl, FYI…the player that was suspended for the year To The Thuan was on the team list and watching the game from the bench.

**Official Team list provided by both teams.
**Linesman provided by Home Park only, Wildcats had enough on the bench to do it also but didn’t.

Regards, Harry


Pacific Dragon 50 vs Fire Kirin @ Hugh Boyd Blue

The score in tonight’s game:
Pacific Dragon 1
Scorer-#39 Moon Su
Fire Kirin 5
# 82 Patrick Sung Leuk Lam 3
#12 Kin Leung Kwan
#11 Kan King Che
Pacific Dragons
#20 Douglas Cheung Paul Y- Unsporting Conduct, Foul Play
Fire Kirin
#33 Regan McEachnie Y- Unsporting Conduct, Swearing
#32 Ming Cai Y- Unsporting Conduct, Foul Play
Respectfully Submitted

Don Taylor
