Day: 29 April 2022

Fire Kirin vs SoccerHolic SC @ Minoru 2

Both teams provided team lists. Soccerholic started short of players. Had a lineman for the 2nd half. Fire K: linesman for full game.

Fire Kirin 5 v Soccerholic 3

Patrick Lam 2 goals Karl Jones 1
Edward Yuen 1 Franco Riccardi 1
Check Cheung 1 TranThang 1
Mohamed Hassen 1

Stanley Chan KEEPERS Karl So

#32 Y Per Fouls #25 Y + Y RED
Not ?I’d on list Not I’d on team list

#27 Y – DIS Jian Feng Hu #10 Raul Porras Y – DIS

Last 20m of the game was played, in rough manner by both teams. Neither team had a player who tried to calm down their own players. It could have easily broken into some serious foul play.

Kire Kirin delayed start of game as not prepared to start. Kickoff at approx 9:15 pm



Automind 50 vs Vancouver Rangers @ Minoru Oval

Good Morning.

> Please find the two team sheets attached.
> AutoMind vs Vancouver Rangers
> AutoMind goals were scored by:
> # 8 in the 2nd minute – Eric Tom
> # 4 in the 89th minute – Yi Han
> Vancouver Rangers goals were scored by:
> # 12 in the 17th minute
> #27 in the 27th minute
> No cards were issued.
> All uniforms matched.
> Linesmen were provided by both teams.
> Goal Keeper for AutoMind was Thomas Sin
> Goal Keeper for Vancouver Rangers was Yanmin Gao Boris
> Thank You.
> Andy Abbott
> BC Soccer Referee ID # 04698


Home Park Warriors vs Golden Tea 50 @ Hugh Boyd Blue

Over 50
April 29th. 9.00 pm. Hugh Boyd (Blue). Referee John Burns

Home Park Warriors V. Golden Tea 50
6 1
Scorers. Scorer
Zou Yi 2 Jim Xing Jian Do
Xu Han.
Li Si
Terry Zhou
Will Gao

Goalkeeper. Goalkeeper
Richard Yang Bin (Wayne) Wang

No Cautions in Game
