Day: 11 May 2022

Unicorn FC 40 vs Team Rice @ Minoru Oval

Unicorn 2
#10 Roman Galperin
#8 Tony Hung Le Nguye
Yellow cards
#6 Jay Harada
Tripped an opposition player breaking up a promising attack.
#17 Derrick Chow
Didn’t attempt to avoid contact when challenging for the ball, and recklessly charged through dropping his shoulder into opponents’ chest.

Team Rice 1
#27 Issa Traore


SR Sport vs Golden Top Financial & Home Park @ Richmond High

SR Sport 40 – 2 vs Golden Top 40 – 3

SR Sport 40

Keeper – King

Goal Scorer’s

#09 – Jiang Fu

#16 – Xunshi Quan

Cautions/ Ejections

#06 – Number 6 on the team list is shown as a suspended player. I did ask before game if he was playing . Yellow, USB, Hand Ball in the PK box, resulting in PK and goal

#15 – Long Zhou, Yellow, USB, tripping challenge with studs showing

Golden Top 40

Keeper – Boris Gao

Goal Scorer’s

#17 – Xiang Yuan Chen

#30– Number not on list

#22– Diming Pan

Cautions/ Ejections

#21 – DanQuing Liu, Yellow, USB, substitution on the fly, as play is in progress. I didn’t get the number of the other player that went off.


Good match, game evenly played most of the game, Golden Top was a bit better

**Linesmen provided by both teams.

Regards, Harry
