Day: 20 May 2022

Unicorn 50 vs Home Park Warriors @ Hugh Boyd Blue

British Columbia Chinese Soccer Federation
Over 50
May 20th. 2022 9.00pm. Hugh Boyd (Blue). Referee John Burns

Unicorn 50. V Home Park Warriors
4 4
Scorers. Scorers
Cuong Nguyen. Richard Yang
Mark Wu Xu Yan 2
Minn Lam Will Gao
John Li

Goalkeeper. Goalkeeper
Tai Lam Richard Yang

Two Cautions for Each Team
Unicorn Cuong Nguyen U/C. Home Park Zhu Sheng U/C
Minn Lam U/C. Aike Jooo Kim U/C


Vancouver Rangers vs Fire Kirin @ Minoru Oval

Fire Kirin   3                v                 Vancouver Rangers  2
Both teams provided lists but not all player identified by number or position.           BOTH provided linesmen.
    Fire Kirin regularly slow to be prepared to start game and at
    half time
Both these are skilled teams but constantly complaining and whinning  ( more so “FIRE KIRIN” ) even when they are given the free kick.
I now understand why some referees decline games with them.
Fire Kirin  3                  v                Vancouver Rangers  2
#21 Billy Siu Fai   41m                  #32  not on list.   2m
#82  Patrick Shung Leuk Lam     #12 Li Tian Stan   17m
               44m    &   88m
Stanley Chan           KEEPER          NOT ID on team list
Walked to retrieve ball behind
goal.   Slowed game down.
                                                            Yellow Card #9   Danny Regina
                                                              even after his team given the
                                                              free kick.  He left field & game.