Day: 5 August 2022


Vancouver Rangers vs Fire Kirin @ Minoru Oval

Hi Karl, Stephen

Fire Kirin 50 – 4 vs Van Rangers 50 – 2

Fire Kirin 50

Goal keepers – Stanley Chan

Goal Scorer’s

#82 Patrick Lam

#82 Patrick Lam

#82 Patrick Lam

#27Jian Feng Fu

Cautions/ Ejections

#7 Kam Tai Wan, Yellow, USB, Reckless tackle from the back of the striker

Van Rangers 50

Goal keepers – Yanmin Gao Boris (first), Jin Shun Pam (second)

Goal Scorer’s

#22 Qing Zhu

#12 Li Tian Stan

Cautions/ Ejections

#05 Weidong Liu Eric, Yellow, USB, Reckless follow through shoulder challenge from the back.

#08 Jun Liu Joe, Yellow, Decent, consistent yapping about my calls, please see comments


Good match, Rangers a better team in the first half 2 goals

All Fire Kirin in the second 4 goals, goalie change cost the Rangers the game

#08 Jun Liu Joe, would verbally harass me on every call I made, even after the game. This started from the first foul against them. Should I have given him a second yellow for decent very much so, but I chose not to.

I would love to ref his team again😊

**Official Team list provided by both teams.

**Linesmen provided by both teams

Regards, Harry 604-306-3655
