Day: 19 August 2022

Unicorn 50 vs Wildcats 50 @ Minoru Oval

Hi Karl, Stephen

Wildcats 50- 5 vs Unicorn 50 – 5

Wildcats 50

Goal keepers – Calvin My Li

Goal Scorer’s

#22 Johnny Kam

#07 Edmond Chan

#07 Edmond Chan

#07 Edmond Chan

#24 Jin Loong Gao

Cautions/ Ejections

#30 Ming Mi, RED, Violent Conduct, Ming makes a bad foul on attacking player Jackey. Jackey throws a shoulder into Ming. Ming gets up and proceeds to choke Jackey around the throat. Time 44 minute

Unicorn 50

Goal keepers – Yung Hing Lueng

Goal Scorer’s

#18 Jacket Tsang

#03 Shane Phan

#03 Shane Phan

#05 Luong Nguyen

#24 Bill Kelly

Cautions/ Ejections

#18 Jacket Tsang, RED, Violent Conduct, Jackey gets tackled hard by Ming. While getting up he throws his shoulder hard into Ming. At this point Ming grabs Jackey around the throat chocking him. Time 44 minute


Good match, Lots of good goals, a fight of sorts. Other than the one incident in the 44th minute it was well played game.

**Official Team list provided by both teams.

**Linesmen provided by Unicorn only

Regards, Harry


Vancouver Rangers vs Golden Tea 50 @ Minoru 2

Both team provided team.lists.
Rangers linesman for 1st half. Golden Tea – NO Linesman

Van Rangers 7
#7 Hong Bing Forest 7m
#10 Le Ren Micheal 37m
#8 Jun Liu Joe 42m PK

#23 Li Tian Stan 3 70m 77m
#9 no #9 on List 73m

Golden Tea 0
2nd half keeper Jeff


Van Rangers controlled the game
