Day: 11 April 2023

Old Blacks vs Team Rice @ Minoru #2

Old Boys 40 – 2  vs  Team Rice 40 – 1


Old Boys 40

Goal keepers – Williams Richards

Goal Scorer’s

 #14 Adan Scoble

#19 Brad Coldwell


Cautions/ Ejections



Team Rice 40

Goal keepers – Kevin Tang Pui Kei

Goal Scorer’s

# 12 Wing Sum Sammy


Cautions/ Ejections




Game mostly controlled by Old Boys, they used their size for advantage. They should have scored 6 more goals.

**Official Team list provided by both teams.

**Linesman provided by both teams.


Regards, Harry


Vancouver FC vs Pacific Dragon 40 @ Richmond High

Vancouver united FC   4   vs Pac Dragon  3
Vancouver united goals
 Terry Kim(3), Tony Hung Pham (1)
Goalie was Thomas
Yellow cards to cuong Anthony Pham usb, Guoliang Zhu usb both late tackles
No linesman and team list was not ready and had to take 10 minutes at half time to get numbers
Pac dragon goals
Roger moon Wong, long you , Howard Chang
Yellows to Philip Chi hang leung- not 10 yards at free kick, Roger moon Wong – hip check usb
Supplied linesman and team list was ready