Day: 27 April 2023

SW Legend Rangers vs Soccerholic SC @ Oval

Soccerholics 4
SW Legends 3

Soccerholics goals by Raul Porras, Vinh Le, Tran Thang(2)
SW goals by Danny Regina(2), Qung Zhu

Soccerholics goalie was ??
SW goalie was Haihua Yu

Yellow card to Soccerholics player #3 (left back)not on list for USB

Yellow card to SW player Danny Regina for dissent

Cheers Kirby


Unicorn HomePark vs Fire Kirin @ Minoru2

Unicorn/Home Park 50 – 4  vs  Fire Kirin 50 – 2

Unicorn/Home Park 50

Goalkeeper – Bill Kelly

Goal Scorer’s

# 06 Zou Yi

# 06 Zou Yi

# 06 Zou Yi

# 06 Zou Yi

Cautions/ Ejections

# 12 NO name to number on list,  Yellow, USB, Grabs attacking player on a promising break

# 11 Henry Pham, Yellow, USB, Reckless challenge on opposing player, Tripping

Fire Kirin 50

Goal keepers – William Yu Pei Wei

Goal Scorer’s

# 18 George Seto

# 08 Jian Feng Hui

Cautions/ Ejections



Good game, nothing to note about the game, had good goals. Boys played a discipline game.

**Official Team list provided by both teams.

**Linesman provided by both teams

Regards, Harry
