Day: 17 May 2024

SW Legend vs Automind 50 @ Minoru2

Hello there!
Here is my game report
Friday May 17.2024.
REF: Mato Lugonjic
Location: Minoru #2 Richmond
Time: 21:00 PM
Home team: SW Legend Rangers div(50)=3
Away team: Automind div (50)=4
The keeper name for team SW Legend Rangers is Haihua Yu
The keeper name for team Automind is Peter Wai Kit Cheung
The scorer for team SW Legend Rangers is #99 Zou Yi, #21 Bin Steven Wang and #35 Terry Zhou
The scorer for team Automind is #12 score two goals, #13 Kevin Yong Jian Gong, and #24 Frankie Chen Hong Hui
No yellow card issued
Both teams provided linesman
Thank you


Soccerholic SC vs Unicorn HomePark @ Oval


Unicorn/HP 50 – 3  vs  Soccerholic SC  50 – 3


Unicorn/HP 50

Goal keepers – Mark Wu

Goal Scorer’s

# 26 Miles Liu

# 09 SRaymond Zhao

# GK Mark Wu


Cautions/ Ejections

# 22 Name not on list, RED, Serious Foul Play, Reckless challenge players gets pushed then retaliates with a kick to the thigh area.

SW Legends 50

Goal keepers – Quyet Le

Goal Scorer

# 09 To The Thuan

# 09 To The Thuan

# 10 Karl Jones


Cautions/ Ejections

# 11 Name not on list, RED, Serious Foul Play, Reckless challenge in a 50/50 challenge Soccerholic player leads with the studs making contact to the knee of the opposing player. All knee no ball.

# 17 KY Hermes Nguyen, Yellow, USB, reckless challenge lunges into tackle with studs making contact to the ankle of opposing player.

#18 Cuong Ngyuen, Yellow, Dissent, constant verbal questioning of my calls.

#18 Cuong Ngyuen, 2nd Yellow / RED, USB, makes a reckless lunge tackle trying to take out the attacking player. Even though he missed the attempt to injure him was there.



A good match, both sides with good chances.

On a side note, it is assumed that a Unicorn player (Stan Tian) was punched in the head by a Soccerholic # 17 (KY Hermes Nguyen). This happened in the “Box”, with a change of play moving outside the box my focus also went with the play therefore i did not see the incident. Stan was really mad at Hermes. My guess is that he did get punched, but that’s just my opinion.

The two RED cards and both players’ names were not numbered. If there were some kind of registration pictures I could point them out. Y

Soccerholic more of the chippy side

**Official Team list provided by both teams.

**No Linesman provided.


Regards, Harry
